Eighth Avenue

People sitting at the end of a dark tunnel

United States & Taiwan, 12 mins

A quiet, Caucasian house painter lives a life of solitude in Brooklyn's Chinatown. On the night of a blackout, he forges a silent bond with his neighbor.

Writer/Director: Dong-Ren Hong
Producer: Rinchen Drolkar
Director of Photography: Xiaomeng Lu
Editor: Dong-Ren Hong
Composer: LIM Giong 

Cast: Rider Laskin, Shan Jiang, Frank Liu, Hidenari Fujieda, Yi-Chiang Lin

Contact: Dong-Ren Ho, drpphdr@gmail.com

Program C

Saturday, May 13th at 3pm ET

DOng-Ren Hong Headhsot

About the Writer/Director

Dong-Ren Hong is a Taiwanese filmmaker. His previous short film, Cornered Rat, won a Taiwanese award and was screened at multiple international festivals. His feature debut as an editor, Alifu, the Prince/ss, premiered at the Tokyo International Film Festival. He is a recent MFA graduate from Columbia University and is in post-production for his thesis, Youth, Youth.




Elegy For A Glacier